NEoWave Blog

7/15/2024 - NEoWave Staff


Where is the "king of crypto" heading? Don't miss Glenn Neely's crucial update on Bitcoin in this new webinar. Scheduled for July 21, 2024, plan to register early to save your spot. (Attendance is limited!) After July 21, you can click the provided link to hear the recorded webinar. Either way, you do NOT want to miss this crucial update on Bitcoin!
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6/27/2024 - NEoWave Staff

A new, in-depth article by Glenn Neely: 'How to remove emotion from your trading process'

All types of emotion -- fear, doubt, uncertainty, frustration, and even false hope -- will put you at risk when trading. To assure trading profits, it's essential to replace EMOTION & GUESSWORK with LOGIC & CONFIDENCE. In this new article packed with sage advice, trading advisor Glenn Neely shares critical information that every trader and investor must know!
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6/26/2024 - NEoWave Staff

TRADING TIP: How to time your exits with confidence

In this article written by Glenn Neely, you'll learn about an exciting new trading strategy that empowers you to objectively an unemotionally exit positions and let profits run. Mr. Neely calls his unique (and proven) trading strategy: Profit Protection.
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5/17/2024 - NEoWave Staff

DOW JONES HITS 40K - Just as Glenn Neely predicted in his 1988 long-term forecast

The Dow broke the 40,000 mark on May 16, 2024! For the first time in its 128-year history, the Dow Jones Industrial Average crossed 40,000 points. Traders and Elliott Wave forecasters are stunned at this ongoing bull market. However, one trader and Wave forecaster is NOT surprised: Glenn Neely. In 1988, he published an astonishing 72-year forecast, predicting the Dow would escalate to 100,000! Watch a 1995 video and read his 1988 long-term forecast predicting a decades-long "powerful, persistent advance."
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1/30/2024 - NEoWave Staff

AFTER ELLIOTT WAVE, A NEW NEOWAVE PATTERN: Gold may be forming a NEW Wave pattern!

Glenn Neely, renowned financial forecaster and author of Mastering Elliott Wave, announced the possible discovery of an entirely new NEoWave formation emerging in Gold. Mr. Neely shares his January 2024 issue of NEoWave Forecasting on GOLD chart and analysis to explain this emerging new wave pattern.
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1/10/2024 - NEoWave Staff

NEOWAVE UPDATE: New Pattern Forming

The S&P's advance off last October's low (2023) is providing a "text book" example of how NEoWave SYMMETRICALS form.
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12/11/2023 - NEoWave Staff

NEELY RIVER - Technology and Software Finally Complete

After 23 years of work, the Neely River trading project is FINALLY COMPLETE.
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11/19/2023 - NEoWave Staff


Using NEoWave, Glenn Neely has made many impressive financial forecasts over the last four decades.
So it's no surprise, on this 40th anniversary of NEoWave, Mr. Neely has once again done the impossible.
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11/9/2023 - NEoWave Staff


Glenn Neely released an S&P Update a year ago that predicted a New BULL MARKET was underway, which would eventually reach all-time new highs in the next year or so. See Mr. Neely's NEoWave S&P Forecasting and analysis with charts from November 2022 and November 2023 to confirm Phase 2 of the BULL MARKET.
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10/16/2023 - NEoWave Staff

Glenn Neely's book, Mastering Elliott Wave, is a continuous bestseller since 1990!

When Glenn Neely published his now-classic book, he changed Elliott Wave theory forecasting and analysis forever. To celebrate the decades of success with his bestselling book, "Mastering Elliott Wave," you can get a FREE video recording of Mr. Neely discussing Chapter 1. 
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9/26/2023 - NEoWave Staff

How Is Glenn Neely Able to Make Profound & Confident Market Calls?

Glenn Neely: "In 1988, stock market bearishness was so extreme it was palpable!  Late summer of that year, I stood alone in the Elliott Wave world and proclaimed the 1987 "stock market crash low" would NEVER be broken for the REST OF MY LIFE!" Find out how Mr. Neely is able to make such profound and confident market calls. 
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8/31/2023 - NEoWave Staff

WHY TRADE OPTIONS -- Hear a free interview with Glenn Neely

New to Options? Take advantage of this opportunity to learn the benefits of trading Options.
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8/31/2023 - NEoWave Staff

Should you enroll in the Neely River Trading Course? Here's what course participants say...

"Neely River Trading technology is giving me some superb results." This is just one of the testimonials we've received for the Neely River Professional Trading Course, where Glenn Neely teaches his unique - and proven - approach to trading. Looking to improve your trading results? See what other traders have to say about the Neely River Professional Trading Course!
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8/31/2023 - NEoWave Staff

WATCH A FREE CLASS - from the Advanced Wave Analysis course

Are you thinking about enrolling in Glenn Neely's Advanced Wave Analysis course? GET A JUMP START!  Watch an actual class from NEoWave's 12-week Advanced Wave Analysis course, personally taught by Glenn Neely.
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8/22/2023 - NEoWave Staff


Finally, BITCOIN FORECASTING is possible using NEoWave. It took Glenn Neely nearly a decade to decipher the extremely difficult Bitcoin Wave structure before adding this service to his NEoWave Forecasting Service.
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7/28/2023 - NEoWave Staff

Read Chapter 1 of Mastering Elliott Wave by Glenn Neely

It's never too late to start learning or learn more about Elliott Wave. If you haven't heard of Mastering Elliott Wave, here's your chance to read Chapter 1 for FREE. This groundbreaking book in print since 1990 explains Wave theory in a scientific, objective and logical manner which Mr. Neely calls NEoWave.
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6/15/2023 - NEoWave Staff

Glenn Neely's forecast proves out: A NEW BULL MARKET IS UNDERWAY!

For months, Glenn Neely has been advising subscribers of his NEoWave S&P Forecasting service that the 2022-2023 Bear market would be ending soon. On June 15, 2023, he publicly - and confidently - declared to all NEoWave customers that a powerful new Bull market is underway. View his May 1, 2023, NEoWave Forecasting chart for the S&P 500.
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5/11/2023 - NEoWave Staff


ATTENTION FORECASTERS: Glenn Neely provides his November and December 2022 forecasting charts and wave forecasting insight to show that NEoWave suggests the S&P is starting a new bull market.
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4/28/2023 - NEoWave Staff

Watch for a Powerful, New Bull Market! (This market shift is great news for Elliott Wave forecasters!)

"Be advised - the US stock market is bottoming and is close to beginning a powerful, new Bull market," says NEoWave's Glenn Neely. This is great news for traders, plus, great news for Elliott Wave forecasters, he says, because "we are embarking on a new era of market predictability." This is a must-read article by Forecasting & Trading Expert, Glenn Neely.
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4/21/2023 - NEoWave Staff

Why sign up for Glenn Neely's wave analysis and trading courses? Here's what REAL customers have to say...

Our customers frequently send emails to Glenn Neely, thanking him for the information and guidance he shares in his two LIVE courses: (1) Glenn Neely's Advanced Wave Analysis course (Elliott Wave & NEoWave), (2) Glenn Neely's Professional Trading Course, which introduces Neely River Trading technology. If you are considering taking a course with Glenn Neely, these REAL customer testimonials offer insight and inspiration!
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4/21/2023 - NEoWave Staff

FREE RECORDED WEBINAR: Learn how accurate Wave analysis is really done!

Watch as Glenn Neely demonstrates how to produce accurate, stable Wave counts without conflicting scenarios. Specifically, you will learn precise rules to employ for good Wave analysis and forecasts. Don't miss this 40-minute, free recorded webinar to improve your Wave analysis and forecasts!
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4/21/2023 - NEoWave Staff

FREE OFFERS to improve your Elliott Wave analysis and forecasting

How can you improve your Wave analysis and Wave forecasts? Take advantage of these 2 FREE offers from NEoWave to deepen your understanding!
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4/7/2023 - NEoWave Staff

GLENN NEELY: As Predicted, the U.S. Stock Market Continues to Rally

ATTENTION FORECASTERS: How should you navigate the markets when NEoWave suggest the S&P is starting a new bull market? Read Glenn Neely's wave forecasting insight.
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3/9/2023 - NEoWave Staff

Celebrating NEoWave's 40th Anniversary! 1983-2023

Join the NEoWave team in saying "Congratulations!" to Glenn Neely. Forty years ago, Mr. Neely founded NEoWave, Inc. to help people around the world become better Wave forecasters and better traders. See what the NEoWave team has to say ...
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2/6/2023 - NEoWave Staff

Glenn Neely: The Bear market of the last 13 months will soon end.

ATTENTION TRADERS: How should you navigate the markets to profit from the new bullish environment? Read Glenn Neely's advice. 
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1/5/2023 - NEoWave Staff

What does the future hold for 2023? Hear Glenn Neely's forecasts for the S&P, Gold, Euro and T-Notes

What do Glenn Neely's wave charts look like for the S&P 500, Gold, Euro, and T-Notes? In this informative audio interview, Glenn Neely shares his wave charts along with priceless insights into the future of these four markets. Elliott Wave forecasters: Do not miss this interview!
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12/30/2022 - NEoWave Staff

Sharing positive feedback from our customers (heck, they are gushing!)

There's a phrase: "An embarrassment of riches." Here at NEoWave, we are rich in positive feedback from our customers. They are excited to learn NEoWave Forecasting and Neely River Trading. And they are thrilled to share news of how their learnings turn into profits in the markets. We invite you to read a few unsolicited customer testimonials.
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12/14/2022 - NEoWave Staff

TRADING ADVICE: Follow 3 essential steps to become a better trader

Trading advisor Glenn Neely often shares words of wisdom with NEoWave customers. We are sharing his advice here, on our blog, because everyone should know the "3 essential steps to become a better trader."
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12/5/2022 - NEoWave Staff

According to NEoWave founder Glenn Neely, the Last Leg Of Any Wave Pattern is the Easiest to Predict

In this blog, Glenn Neely shares his insight on when is the best time for market forecasting - and the time is now.
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10/18/2022 - NEoWave Staff

Learn WAVE THEORY in Real Time

See the THREE CHARTS below - they contain forecasts made by Glenn Neely at least 6 months ago or more (see blue-dashed line). Notice how ACCURATE those forecasts have been in the S&P, T-Notes and Gold!
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10/4/2022 - NEoWave Staff

FREE RECORDED WEBINAR - NEoWave Market Update on the S&P and Gold (presented by Glenn Neely on September 30, 2022)

The S&P and GOLD are at crucial junctures. If you follow the S&P and GOLD you need to watch this FREE recorded webinar, presented by Glenn Neely on September 30, 2022. 
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10/3/2022 - NEoWave Staff

NEOWAVE TRADING SERVICE: PERFORMANCE UPDATE 81% of positions in-the-money with winners making 1100% more than losers! (As of October 3, 2022)

Here's a performance update on NEOWAVE TRADING SERVICE with 81% of positions in-the-money with winners making 1100% more than losers! (As of October 3, 2022)
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9/30/2022 - NEoWave Staff

DON'T MISS THIS 30-MINUTE VIDEO: Learn the surprising secret to successful trading

For traders, profit protection is a nuts-and-bolts approach to actively manage your money throughout the trading process to improve trading results. Why is this a critical concept for YOUR daily trading activity? "Because you need an ongoing, objective way to continuously watch the bottom line and protect your profits," Glenn Neely says. By applying specific techniques to manage your money throughout the trading process, you can better time your entries, place stops, control losses on losing trades, and let profits run. In this don't-miss 30-minute video, Glenn Neely explains how these techniques can improve your bottom-line trading results.
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8/19/2022 - NEoWave Staff

IT'S A NEW ERA OF MARKET PREDICTABILITY, which can impact your trading success

Under Wave theory, markets experience periods of predictability and unpredictability. The closer a market is to the end of a major pattern, the easier it is to predict. Read supporting evidence why Glenn Neely believes a new era of market predictability has begun - and how this can directly impact trading success.
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7/15/2022 - NEoWave Staff


On July 12, 2022, Glenn Neely released this update to his NEoWave Trading and Forecasting subscribers. We are sharing it here for anyone concerned about successful trading and Wave forecasting in this uncertain market environment.
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5/23/2022 - NEoWave Staff

FREE WEBINAR - Current wave structure of the S&P, Gold & T-Notes

On May 8, 2022, Glenn Neely presented a free webinar on the Wave structure of THREE markets - the S&P, Gold and T-Notes - which are all at crucial junctures. Following that presentation, on May 20, Mr. Neely shared additional insight. Here is the link to this free webinar and Mr. Neely's additional forecasting observations.
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5/8/2022 - NEoWave Staff

FREE WEBINAR - NEoWave Market Update (S&P, Gold and T-Notes) presented by Glenn Neely on May 8, 2022

As of May 8, 2022. According to NEoWave theory, the S&P, Gold and T-Notes are ALL at crucial junctures! For this reason, Mr. Neely presented a FREE webinar to publicly REVIEW the Wave structure of ALL 3 markets. He is offering FREE access to this recorded webinar.
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4/26/2022 - NEoWave Staff

RESERVE YOUR SPOT NOW: Advanced Wave Analysis course, starting June 2, 2022

GOOD NEWS: Wave structure and market predictability have been improving over the last few months, which makes this a GREAT PERIOD to learn advanced Elliott Wave concepts and improve your NEoWave analytical skills.
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3/24/2022 - NEoWave Staff

NEELY RIVER - Phenomenal TRADING Results

On March 23, 2022, Glenn Neely shares his phenomenal TRADING results with his subscribers. We are sharing it here for anyone interested in learning Neely River theory and profitable trading during these uncertain market environment.
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3/10/2022 - NEoWave Staff


FREE Webinar - Friday, March 10, 2022 at 10am Pacific
Glenn Neely presents TRADING without FORECASTING: How Does NEELY RIVER make that Possible?
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1/23/2022 - NEoWave Staff

SPECIAL ALERT (JANUARY 23): Stage 1 & Stage 2 Confirmation Achieved

On the morning of Sunday, January 23, 2022, (10:30 am Pacific Time) Glenn Neely released this update to his NEoWave Trading and Forecasting subscribers.
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9/27/2021 - NEoWave Staff

Avoid the Top 5 Elliott Wave Mistakes: Interview with Glenn Neely, Founder of NEoWave

Elliott Wave forecaster Glenn Neely puts it simply: "You can't have a good trade unless you have a good Wave count. You can't have a good Wave count if you disregard certain price and time rules." In this FREE, 30-MINUTE INTERVIEW, Glenn Neely explains how to avoid the top 5 Elliott Wave mistakes, along with specific tips to improve your Wave Counts and trading results.
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8/27/2021 - NEoWave Staff

Addressing a common question: 'What's the difference between Elliott Wave Trading and Neely River Trading?'

Here at NEoWave, Inc., we are often asked this question: "What's the difference between Elliott Wave Trading and Neely River Trading?" Based on 40 years of Wave forecasting and trading experience, Glenn Neely addresses this question. His answer may surprise you!
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8/26/2021 - NEoWave Staff

ALERT: More signs a MAJOR TOP is forming

Trading expert Glenn Neely has been warning of the possibility of a major top. Will there be a melt-down? Here are 2 more signs of trouble on the horizon ...
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8/16/2021 - NEoWave Staff

ALERT: Dangerous Market Conditions

Special alert message from Glenn Neely to his NEoWave Customers. Using multiple metrics of valuation and psychological assessment, the U.S. stock market is in dangerous territory.
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7/26/2021 - NEoWave Staff

UPDATE ON CURRENT OPEN TRADE PROFITS: 92% positions 'in the money' for NEoWave Trading service

In this industry, making money is the goal. That's easier said than done - and that's why the NEoWave Trading service's regular reports for current open trade profits are so impressive. View the most recent chart, showing 92% of trades "in the money." Take a look!
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5/27/2021 - NEoWave Staff

VIEW UPDATED TRADING RESULTS: 'Positions in profit' range from 79% to 100%

Have you noticed that, in the trading industry, some folks exaggerate positive results, while downplaying any negatives? Here at NEoWave, we like straight talk and the honest truth - that's why we regularly post our real-world trading results for the world to see. Take a look!
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5/25/2021 - NEoWave Staff

DID YOU MISS THIS WEBINAR? Watch a FREE recorded webinar with Glenn Neely, hosted by the Australian Professional Technical Analysts (APTA)

Since APTA published its webinar featuring Glenn Neely as a guest speaker, thousands of people have watched it. In his 1 1/2-hour presentation, Mr. Neely shares eye-opening tips on effective Forecasting techniques as well as on Trading strategies that "let profits run." If you missed this webinar, here's your chance to check it out!
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5/6/2021 - NEoWave Staff

REAL-WORLD TRADING RESULTS: View charts showing actual results for NEoWave Trading service

As a trader, you have one goal: MAKE MONEY. That's why you'll appreciate a new NEoWave web page with charts illustrating ACTUAL results from NEoWave's Trading service. These real-world results show a consistent, impressive track record of "positions in profit." 
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4/20/2021 - NEoWave Staff

FREE WEBINAR: Watch a recorded Forecasting / Trading webinar with Glenn Neely, hosted by the Australian Professional Technical Analysts (APTA)

Recently, Glenn Neely had the honor of being guest speaker in a webinar hosted by APTA. While the topic initially centers on NEoWave as a more objective approach to Elliott Wave analysis, he also presents his unique insights into effective trading techniques that lead to, as he says, “letting profits run.”
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4/6/2021 - NEoWave Staff

Technical customer support for Neely River Trading software on TradeStation

Here at NEoWave, we are excited to introduce a new member of our team: Terrence Ryan, a software engineer with real-world trading experience. Terrence joins our customer service team, with a focus on resolving any technical issues related to Neely River Trading software, the custom software program that runs on TradeStation. One of our customers describes Neely River Trading software as "a masterpiece." 
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3/2/2021 - NEoWave Staff

Interested in NEoWave courses? Get insight (and inspiration) from REAL customer testimonials

We recently received unsolicited testimonials from customers, thanking Glenn Neely for the depth of information and mentorship he shares in his two LIVE online courses: NEoWave's Advanced Wave Analysis Course and NEoWave's Professional Trading Course (focusing on Neely River Trading technology). If you are considering taking a NEoWave course, these REAL customer testimonials offer insight and inspiration!
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2/18/2021 - NEoWave Staff

GAIN INSIGHTS in new educational section: NEoWave Explained

Why did Glenn Neely name his approach to Wave theory "NEoWave"? How is NEoWave different from Elliott Wave? What does NEoWave offer that Elliott Wave doesn't? In his own words, Glenn Neely shares insights, answers common questions, and sheds light on his advanced approach to Wave analysis.
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2/15/2021 - NEoWave Staff

ANSWERING A COMMON QUESTION: 'How can the NEoWave Trading service help my trading profits?'

Get answers to this commonly asked question and FREE resources to learn more about NEoWave's Trading service and Glenn Neely's breakthrough (and proven) Neely River Trading technology.
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2/2/2021 - NEoWave Staff

GREAT NEWS! Just a week ago, 100% of all NEoWave trades were 'IN THE MONEY'!

How would you like to wake up every day to a string of profitable trades in your portfolio? Today, Glenn Neely emailed this exciting news to NEoWave customers: Thanks to a string of continuously profitable positions, 100% of ALL customer positions are "in the money."
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11/6/2020 - NEoWave Staff

NEOWAVE FORECASTING SERVICE - Take a quick look at what you get!

Only have a minute? No problem! This infographic quickly shows "What you get" with NEoWave's Forecasting service. Take a look! 
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11/6/2020 - NEoWave Staff

See what NEoWave customers have to say ...

People say the nicest things! Throughout the year, many NEoWave customers take time to show their appreciation and give us pats on the back. We thought we'd share some of our newly received testimonials. Please forgive us for blowing our own horn!
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11/6/2020 - NEoWave Staff

GET A FREE VIDEO TUTORIAL covering Chapter 1 of the book: Mastering Elliott Wave

"Go back to the basics" is sage advice, especially when markets are SO tumultuous and unpredictable. Here's a great way to go back to the basics: Get a FREE recorded video of Glenn Neely presenting Chapter 1 of his classic book, "Mastering Elliott Wave."
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10/12/2020 - NEoWave Staff

NEoWave's Questions and Answers library: Take advantage of this rich resource

Have you ever perused NEoWave's Questions & Answers library and forum? If not, you've missed a rich resource of hundreds of trading and forecasting questions, with answers personally provided by Glenn Neely. Here are 2 sample trading and forecasting Q&As, with links to discover more!
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10/1/2020 - NEoWave Staff

NEoWave News: 96% of Customer Trades are IN THE MONEY!

Between early June and September 29, 2020, the markets have continued to get wilder, yet our customer trading account is becoming consistently more profitable. The NEoWave Trading service customer account is UP nearly 20%!
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9/22/2020 - NEoWave Staff

Wave Forecaster Glenn Neely named Top S&P Timer 15 times in 2020

Thanks to his on-target Wave forecasting abilities, NEoWave's Glenn Neely has once again been recognized by Timer Digest.  In the newly released issue (September 21, 2020), Timer Digest ranked Mr. Neely as a Top S&P Timer for the past 6 months. This respected publication has recognized Mr. Neely as a Top S&P Timer 15 times in 2020 - and hundreds of times over the decades!
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9/14/2020 - NEoWave Staff

FREE 1-HOUR VIDEO -- Learn about Neely River Trading technology

In this recorded webinar, NEoWave's Glenn Neely offers a comprehensive presentation of Neely River Trading technology. See examples of Mr. Neely's advanced trading software, hear a discussion on his "river-like" trading philosophy, and gain insight into the trading process using this proven approach.
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9/14/2020 - NEoWave Staff

FREE RECORDED WEBINAR -- Glenn Neely discusses: "Where is the market heading?"

Recently, NEoWave's Glenn Neely presented a live webinar on the S&P 500. Hundreds of forecasters and traders attended. If you want to know where the market is heading, don't miss this FREE 80-minute recorded webinar!
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8/12/2020 - NEoWave Staff

Continuing as a Top 10 S&P Timer -- In its recent issue, "Timer Digest" continues to rank Glenn Neely as a Top Timer, thanks to on-target forecasts

Since declaring "WAR of the WAVES" earlier this year, Glenn Neely's NEoWave forecasts continue to prove out as ACCURATE and ON-TARGET. The proof? Once again, "Timer Digest" recognized Glenn Neely as a Top 10 Timer for the S&P 500 in the publication's August 10, 2020, issue.
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8/3/2020 - NEoWave Staff

TRADING NEWS: 83% of NEoWave trades are In-the-Money (as of July 28, 2020)

Just as Glenn Neely predicted, the current NEoWave structure is producing the best trading environment in more than a decade. In fact, 10 of our 12 positions are making money, with a 14-to-1 profit-to-loss ratio! Click the link below to see proof.
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7/21/2020 - NEoWave Staff

As of today, all NEoWave customer trades are In-the-Money!

When you subscribe to NEoWave's Forecasting and Trading services, you'll be the first to know where the market will go - and you'll get specific advice from a trading advisor who can legitimately tout that 100% of his customer recommendations are In-the-Money (as of July 21, 2020). Want proof? Click the link below to view a detailed chart.
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7/6/2020 - NEoWave Staff

FREE VIDEO -- Glenn Neely explains "WAR of the WAVES"

Along with an in-depth discussion on this critical topic: Where is the market heading?
In this 26-minute discussion with Glenn Neely, you’ll view multiple NEoWave forecasting charts and hear enlightening explanations about current and historic market conditions. Plus, you’ll find out exactly what to expect from the market in the next 5 to 10 years.
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7/1/2020 - NEoWave Staff

You can now trade Cryptocurrencies with Tradestation

If you're interested in trading Cryptocurrencies, don't miss this important information....
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6/29/2020 - NEoWave Staff

Glenn Neely attains rock-solid ranking as S&P Top Timer for the year

Timer Digest has consistently recognized Glenn Neely as a Top S&P Timer, including in today's issue (June 29, 2020). Click the link below to view his rankings for the year. And DON'T MISS the link to Mr. Neely's STUNNING FORECASTS (released on March 1 and April 5), which are unfolding just as expected. 
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6/3/2020 - NEoWave Staff

"WAR of the WAVES" - Advanced NEoWave vs. orthodox Elliott Wave

While most Elliott Wave analysts are hunkering in their bunkers (calling for the end of the world), Glenn Neely turned very BULLISH shortly after this year’s March low. His forecasts were right on the money AND continue to unfold as expected. Want to see proof? View 3 forecasting charts!
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4/25/2020 - NEoWave Staff

FREE VIDEO CLASS -- Deepen your understanding of Elliott Wave

For a limited time, NEoWave's Glenn Neely is offering FREE ACCESS to a video class where he thoroughly explains Chapter 1 of his groundbreaking book: Mastering Elliott Wave. Check out this FREE resource to deepen your understanding of Elliott Wave forecasting and analysis.
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3/19/2020 - NEoWave Staff

LEARN ADVANCED ELLIOTT WAVE - Get a 12-week video course for only $59!

For a limited time, Glenn Neely is making his 12-week Elliott Wave video course available for only $59. In this video course, Mr. Neely reviews and explains every one of the 12 chapters in his classic book, Mastering Elliott Wave.
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2/29/2020 - NEoWave Staff


What a WILD week! This is a good time to get some perspective on market action. View this FREE video course - "Neely River Trading" - by Glenn Neely.
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2/28/2020 - NEoWave Staff

Markets are collapsing! What do you do?

3 ways to get guidance - RIGHT NOW - to survive this WILD and historic market action.
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2/28/2020 - NEoWave Staff

BONDS - Is this your best bet to survive?

Stocks are tanking - you need an expert on BONDS.
Good news: Glenn Neely was recently named #1 BOND TIMER FOR LAST 10 YEARS by Timer Digest
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2/24/2020 - NEoWave Staff

Glenn Neely recognized as #1 S&P Timer

In its February 24 issue, Timer Digest ranks Glenn Neely as #1 S&P Timer for the past 6 months
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1/13/2020 - NEoWave Staff


For NEoWave Trading subscribers and investors, 2019 was a BANNER YEAR!
2019 / Small Customer TRADING Account - UP more than 20%
2019 / Large NEoWave Equity FUND - UP around 30%!
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12/27/2019 - NEoWave Staff

SPECIAL UPDATE -- Glenn Neely's S&P forecast is on track: "Watch for a dramatic advance for the New Year"

Take 7 minutes to watch Glenn Neely's video right now. Don't miss this dramatic market activity!
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12/16/2019 - NEoWave Staff

NEoWave's Glenn Neely remains a Top S&P Timer

For the third month in a row, “Timer Digest” has ranked Glenn Neely as an S&P Top Timer. Check out his track record of success!
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12/9/2019 - NEoWave Staff

Article #7 of 7: Glenn Neely's in-depth response to the question of Elliott Wave and spreads

This is Part 7 of a 7-part series in which Glenn Neely, author of Mastering Elliott Wave, reveals surprising forecasting and trading concepts based on his unique point of view as a world-renowned Wave analysis and forecasting expert.
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12/5/2019 - NEoWave Staff

Article #6 of 7: Glenn Neely addresses the popular question of 'Elliott Wave EFs'

This is Part 6 of a 7-part series in which Glenn Neely, author of Mastering Elliott Wave, reveals surprising forecasting and trading concepts based on his unique point of view as a world-renowned Wave analysis and forecasting expert.
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12/4/2019 - NEoWave Staff

ALERT: Special market update on the S&P 500!

Look for a potential dramatic advance for the New Year!
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12/2/2019 - NEoWave Staff

Article #5 of 7: Glenn Neely answers an often-asked question about Elliott Wave Options

This is Part 5 of a 7-part series in which Glenn Neely, author of Mastering Elliott Wave, reveals surprising forecasting and trading concepts based on his unique point of view as a world-renowned Wave analysis and forecasting expert.
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11/28/2019 - NEoWave Staff

Article #4 of 7: Glenn Neely compares Elliott Wave rules to NEoWave rules

This is Part 4 of a 7-part series in which Glenn Neely, author of Mastering Elliott Wave, reveals surprising forecasting and trading concepts based on his unique point of view as a world-renowned Wave analysis and forecasting expert.
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11/25/2019 - NEoWave Staff

Article #3 of 7: Glenn Neely's tips to correctly interpret Elliott Wave patterns

This is Part 3 of a 7-part series in which Glenn Neely, author of Mastering Elliott Wave, reveals surprising forecasting and trading concepts based on his unique point of view as a world-renowned Wave analysis and forecasting expert.
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11/21/2019 - NEoWave Staff

Article #2 of 7: Elliott Wave analysis: Glenn Neely's tips for market selection, trend identification, timing & exit strategy

This is Part 2 of a 7-part series in which Glenn Neely, author of Mastering Elliott Wave, reveals surprising forecasting and trading concepts based on his unique point of view as a world-renowned Wave analysis and forecasting expert.
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11/18/2019 - NEoWave Staff

Article #1 of 7: Glenn Neely's perspective on Elliott Wave principle -- and advice for profitable trading

This is Part 1 of a 7-part series in which Glenn Neely, author of Mastering Elliott Wave, reveals surprising forecasting and trading concepts based on his unique point of view as a world-renowned Wave analysis and forecasting expert.
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10/31/2019 - NEoWave Staff

NEoWave's customer account is up 12.5% for 2019

Adding up ALL trades taken this year in NEoWave's Trading service, our customer account is UP!
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10/26/2019 - NEoWave Staff

88% of NEoWave's trades are in PROFIT

NEoWave's real-world customer account is holding 25 positions, and 88% of those trades are in PROFIT (i.e., 22 of 25 are In-the-Money)!
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10/3/2019 - NEoWave Staff

85% of NEoWave's positions are making money!

Today, Glenn Neely shared an announcement about the NEoWave Trading service, powered by Neely River technology. If you are not getting the trading results you seek, click to learn more about this exciting news. 
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9/23/2019 - NEoWave Staff

FREE video mini-course: Neely River Trading

In this FREE, 3-part video series, Elliott Wave innovator Glenn Neely explains his groundbreaking technology: Neely River Trading.
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9/18/2019 - NEoWave Staff

Introductory webinar series: "Mastering Elliott Wave"

Get Elliott Wave and NEoWave TRAINING at our lowest price ever in this chapter-by-chapter review and explanation of Glenn Neely's Famous book, Mastering Elliott Wave. This webinar series is personally presented by Glenn Neely. 
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8/21/2019 - NEoWave Staff

Despite WILD MARKETS, NEoWave Trading service customers are making money!

NEoWave Trading service reaped 102% profit in less than 2 months in an Energy ETF! Thanks to Glenn Neely's strategic Options trading, 76% of our positions are making money, with a 15% ROI in just 3 months. Annualized, that is 60% per year!
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7/24/2019 - NEoWave Staff

NEW! Choose 3 ways to learn advanced trading & forecasting strategies directly from Glenn Neely

Due to increasing demand, NEoWave now offers 3 ways to learn trading and forecasting strategies directly from Glenn Neely, internationally recognized as a trading adviser and advanced Elliott Wave forecaster. 
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7/4/2019 - NEoWave Staff

90% of our trades are making money!

NEoWave Trading service customers currently have 20 positions across 4 major market categories. Right now, 90% of our holdings are making money. Curious? Click to learn more!
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5/29/2019 - NEoWave Staff

Have you been impacted by another BIG market decline?

If you're tired of the recent market swings, you'll be interested to know that NEoWave's TRADING customers have only been minimally affected. Here's why...
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5/23/2019 - NEoWave Staff

Did you make money today? We did!

Earlier today, the Dow Jones Industrial Average was down nearly 400 points. Despite this scary opening, our real-time, real-money customer account experienced a slight INCREASE in value -- not a decrease. How is this possible? Review 3 trading strategies that help to ensure NEoWave's TRADING services can make money whether a market goes up, down or sideways.
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4/3/2019 - NEoWave Staff

Act now! Get a FREE NEoWave Forecasting Trial Subscription

Interested in learning Advanced Elliott Wave? Here's your chance to get started -- and it's FREE! Act now: This offer is good through April 15, 2019. 
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3/19/2019 - NEoWave Staff

Register now! Glenn Neely to present a live training series on his classic book, "Mastering Elliott Wave"

In response to strong international interest, Glenn Neely will present a series of LIVE training sessions, each covering a chapter of Mastering Elliott Wave. No matter what your experience level, you can learn a great deal from this world-renowed Wave Theory expert!
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3/14/2019 - NEoWave Staff

FREE RECORDED WEBINAR: Introduction to Glenn Neely's book "Mastering Elliott Wave"

In this FREE training session, Glenn Neely reviews Chapter 1 of his classic book. Here's how to get this recorded webinar. 
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2/13/2019 - NEoWave Staff

Hear new interview with Glenn Neely: "The Benefits of Trading Options"

Glenn Neely has recently enhanced NEoWave’s Trading services by adding Options coverage, which provides tremendous flexibility. Listen to a 24-minute interview with Glenn Neely -- learn how this strategy supports the dual goals of preserving capital and extracting profit.
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2/11/2019 - NEoWave Staff

Watch Glenn Neely's new videos on his trading strategy: "Introduction to Neely River Trading Technology"

About 15 years ago, trading advisor Glenn Neely had a "euraka moment" about trading the markets. He calls this unique and exciting trading strategy "Neely River Theory." Click to learn more and get links to 2 FREE introductory videos. 
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1/15/2019 - NEoWave Staff

NOW BOOKING: NEoWave's Neely River Professional Trading Course

SAVE BIG on NEoWave's first-ever NEELY RIVER PROFESSIONAL TRADING Group Course. We're now booking for February 2019 for this 4-person online professional trading seminar, personally taught by Glenn Neely.
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12/4/2018 - NEoWave Staff

Check out NEoWave's new, FREE class: Wave forecasting / Wave analysis video class, presented by Glenn Neely

In this 36-minute educational class, Mr. Neely steps through basic NEoWave concepts, then follows a step-by-step approach to apply these concepts to real-time Wave charts. Even if you’re a long-time subscriber to NEoWave’s Forecasting service, you’ll find Mr. Neely’s explanations enlightening. 
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10/29/2018 - NEoWave Staff

Important update: NEoWave S&P Forecast

Late-afternoon October 29, 2018, NEoWave's Glenn Neely released the following critical update regarding S&P forecasting. In his notification, Mr. Neely says: "I wanted everyone to know of the change in perspective that Wave structure and behavior is now forcing."
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7/17/2018 - NEoWave Staff

In 2018, Timer Digest continues to rank NEoWave founder Glenn Neely as a Top Timer

NEoWave founder Glenn Neely is on a roll. So far this year, Timer Digest has repeatedly recognized Mr. Neely as a Top Timer for 3 major markets: the S&P, Bonds, and Gold.
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6/26/2018 - NEoWave Staff

CHECK OUT THIS LIST: NEoWave follows hundreds of ETFs in 4 major markets (World Equities, Commodities, Currencies, and Fixed Income/Real Estate)

On January 1 of this year, the NEoWave Trading service expanded into hundreds of U.S. stocks, ETFs, options and global markets. Each day, NEoWave scans ETFs in US and world equity markets, commodity-related markets, currency-related markets, and fixed income and real estate-related markets. Click to view this impressive list. Are the markets you follow listed?
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5/31/2018 - NEoWave Staff

NEoWave update: Keeping your data secure

At NEoWave, we believe that keeping customers' personal data secure is a responsibility no company should take lightly. We invite you to read this brief blog article to learn how NEoWave protects our customers by using their information in a safe, secure, and responsible manner. A key point: Qualys SSL Labs gives an A rating for's security score! This ensures your credit card and personal information is secure and offers peace of mind when purchasing NEoWave services.
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2/15/2018 - NEoWave Staff

Announcing the significant expansion of NEoWave's Trading service

Beginning January 1, 2018, NEoWave's Trading service expanded into thousands of markets, added Options trading, and eliminated Futures markets. Combined, these changes to the NEoWave Trading service will have a profound long-term impact on your ability to make money and protect profits. 
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2/13/2018 - NEoWave Staff

The February 2018 big decline did NOT impact NEoWave subscribers

Glenn Neely, founder of NEoWave, Inc., emailed a notice to NEoWave subscribers on February 6, 2018, following the stock market's severe sell-off. The bottom line: Thanks to NEoWave's portfolio of Long and Short positions (along with "protected" options positions), the severe sell-off did not negatively impact the NEoWave trading account at all. Take a moment to read this brief update from Glenn Neely.
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1/29/2018 - NEoWave Staff

Glenn Neely is recognized as a Top Timer for 20+ years -- and more than 200 times!

The NEoWave team is thrilled to report that, in its Special Annual Report, Timer Digest once again recognized Glenn Neely as a Top Timer in 3 markets: the S&P, Bonds and Gold. In fact, Mr. Neely has consistently ranked as a Top Timer in these 3 markets for more than two decades. Over the years, Timer Digest has recognized Glenn Neely more than 200 times!
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11/21/2017 - NEoWave Staff

[Elliot Wave] Avoid the Top 5 Mistakes: Tips to improve your Wave counts & trading results

Wave Forecaster Glenn Neely puts it simply: “You can’t have a good trade unless you have a good Wave count. You can’t have a good Wave count if you disregard certain price and time rules.” Here are the 5 common mistakes made by Elliot Wave analysts – and how to conquer them. 
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9/19/2017 - NEoWave Staff

Top S&P Timer and ElliottWave expert Glenn Neely discusses his trading philosophy: Neely River Trading Technology

The recent "Timer Digest" issue ranks ElliottWave expert Glenn Neely as a Top S&P Timer. In this article, he discusses his trading philosophy: Neely River Trading Technology. Glenn Neely summarizes his theory: "The first step in Neely River Trading Technology is realizing there is a connection between the behavior of water flowing through a river and the behavior of traders and money flowing through a market."
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5/24/2017 - NEoWave Staff

Announcing 2 Powerful, Simple and FREE Educational Tools: Infographic & Audio Interview with Glenn Neely

You can now get 2 powerful, simple, and FREE educational tools by Glenn Neely, Elliott Wave Forecaster and NEoWave Trading Advisor: (1) Infographic (2) Recorded interview with Glenn Neely
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2/15/2017 - NEoWave Staff

Watch this new video on the NEoWave Trading service

Are you interested in NEoWave analysis and NEoWave trading advice from Glenn Neely? Take 2 minutes to see “what you get” with the NEoWave Trading service for these 4 markets: the S&P, Gold, Euro, and T-Notes. 
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2/15/2017 - NEoWave Staff

Interested in Elliott Wave theory? We invite you to watch this short video.

In this 3-minute video on NEoWave's Forecasting service, you’ll see several example Elliott Wave theory forecasting charts, personally created by Glenn Neely. 
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2/1/2017 - NEoWave Staff

Glenn Neely recognized as Top Timer in 3 markets: The S&P, Bonds, and Gold

Timer Digest’s 2017 Special Annual Report presents multiple listings of NEoWave International's Glenn Neely, who continues to be recognized as a Top Timer in 3 markets: the S&P, Bonds and Gold.
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1/11/2017 - NEoWave Staff

Experience Elliott Wave and NEoWave: Get the 2-week NEoWave Trial subscription for $39 and get 2 weeks free

For a limited time, purchase the 2-week Trial subscription for only $39 and get 2 weeks free. (You save $141.)  This means you can “test drive” all NEoWave Trading and Forecasting services for 4 weeks.
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1/11/2017 - NEoWave Staff

Take 3 minutes to learn about the NEoWave Trading service & Glenn Neely's Elliott Wave Forecasting service

Ever wonder what you get when you subscribe to NEoWave's Trading service or Forecasting service? Give us just 3 minutes of your time to find out! Watch our new 3-minute "what you get" videos.
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1/11/2017 - NEoWave Staff

NEoWave subscribers: There's a wealth of data at your fingertips! Here's how to access recent and historic updates in your NEoWave personal account

If you're a subscriber, it's easy to login to your personal account to access current and past updates for the Trading service and Forecasting service. Here's how...
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10/4/2016 - NEoWave Staff

NEoWave website's security score is nearly perfect

We're pleased to note that Qualys SSL Labs gives NEoWave’s website an A+ rating with a nearly perfect score. This ensures your credit card purchases are secure and offers peace of mind when you purchase the NEoWave Trading service or the NEoWave Forecasting service.
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7/14/2016 - NEoWave Staff

Announcing a NEoWave technical achievement

Editor's note: Glenn Neely announced a technical achievement to NEoWave Trading service subscribers, which he calls his MOAT Index. We're sharing it here, on the NEoWave blog since, as Mr. Neely wrote, "This technical achievement will dramatically enhance my ability to call market tops and bottoms and enhance our entries and stop movements." He added: "For example, in 1987, the day of the U.S. stock market peak, my MOAT Index warned (and I warned clients) that the U.S. was at its most over-bought condition in history and was ready for a massive decline!"
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5/10/2016 - NEoWave Staff

Details on Glenn Neely's NEW top-down trading strategy

This week, Glenn Neely shared an insightful note - his "eureka moment" - with NEoWave Trading subscribers. We're sharing it here, on the NEoWave blog, since this discussion of "top-down" Elliott Wave analysis and "top-down" trading strategy is useful for anyone who follows, analyzes, and trades the stock market.
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4/28/2016 - NEoWave Staff

NEoWave: Glenn Neely is Top Timer in 3 Trading Markets

Despite challenging market conditions, Glenn Neely continues as top-ranking Timer in the S&P, Bonds, and Gold trading markets.
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3/30/2016 - NEoWave Staff

NEoWave Website Awarded

Qualys SSL Labs’ gave its highest rating, which assures even greater safety and security when using our website.
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3/8/2016 - NEoWave Staff

Glenn Neely Named Top Timer for S&P, Bonds & Gold

Glenn Neely recognized as Top Timer in 3 markets: the S&P, Bonds and Gold.
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2/28/2016 - NEoWave Staff

Consistent Trading Recommendations

Glenn Neely is #3 Long-Term Timer, recognized by "Timer Digest."
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11/30/2015 - NEoWave Staff

Market Forecaster, Glenn Neely, Again Recognized as a Top Timer

Timer Digest releases its picks for November’s Top Timers in market forecasting.
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11/23/2015 - NEoWave Staff

Celebrating 25 Years of Mastering Elliott Wave

Mastering Elliott Wave is the must-have book for anyone interested in market forecasting. It is the result of Glenn Neely's research, teaching and real-time trading, written to help people better understand and apply a more refined Elliott Wave theory to their trading strategies.
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