NEoWave Blog
8/12/2020 - NEoWave Staff
Continuing as a Top 10 S&P Timer -- In its recent issue, "Timer Digest" continues to rank Glenn Neely as a Top Timer, thanks to on-target forecasts
Since declaring "WAR of the WAVES" earlier this year, Glenn Neely's NEoWave forecasts continue to prove out as ACCURATE and ON-TARGET. The proof? Once again, "Timer Digest" recognized Glenn Neely as a Top 10 Timer for the S&P 500 in the publication's August 10, 2020, issue.
Here are Glenn Neely's recent rankings in "Timer Digest":
August 10, 2020, issue:
Top 10 S&P Timer for the past 12 months
July 20, 2020, issue (Mid-Year Review):
Top 10 S&P Timer for the past 12 months
Ranked as a Top Timer in the "S&P Timer of the Year Race at June 30"
Recognized as a "Top Bond Timer" (12/31/2019 to 6/30/2020)
Recognized as a "Top Gold Timer" (12/31/2019 to 6/30/2020)
June 29, 2020, issue:
Top 10 S&P Timer for the past 12 months
Top 5 S&P Timer for the past 3 months
June 8, 2020, issue -- Top 10 S&P Timer in all 3 categories!
Top 10 S&P Timer for the past 12 months
Top 10 S&P Timer for the past 6 months
Top 10 S&P Timer for the past 3 months
Want to learn more about "WAR of the WAVES"?
Click to watch a FREE video webinar with Glenn Neely:
In this 26-minute discussion with Glenn Neely, you’ll view multiple NEoWave forecasting charts and hear enlightening explanations about current and historic market conditions. You'll find out why NEoWave is considered "advanced Elliott Wave." (In fact, NEoWave revolutionized Elliott Wave forecasting.) Plus, you’ll find out exactly what to expect from the market in the next 5 to 10 years.
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