The accuracy of Glenn Neely's Gold, S&P, and T-Note forecasts are increasing every month this year. That gives us empirical evidence that MAJOR MARKET TREND CHANGES are in the works.
In February 2000, on national television, Glenn Neely shared the following forecast: The U.S. stock market was at a major top with the Dow ready to drop 50%, the S&P 60%, and the Nasdaq 70%. Within 2 years, all those predictions came true. As a result of this on-target Wave forecast, the 2000-2002 bear market was a VERY profitable period for NEoWave customers.
In mid-January 2008 (right before the start of the Great Recession), Mr. Neely predicted the U.S. stock market was about to embark on its largest, fastest, most devastating decline since 1929. That turned out to be his most accurate, pin-point-precise market forecast of all time! As you would expect, NEoWave customers raked in the profits, again, thanks to this accurate Wave forecast.
Next, off the low of 2009, the S&P began its longest period of UNpredictability in Mr. Neely's entire career. This era of UNpredictability made trading extremely difficult.
Using NEoWave (advanced Elliott Wave), NEoWave customers can predict price action with greater precision than has been possible since Mr. Neely called the 2000-2002 bear market AND the 2008-2009 Great Recession - the 2 most profitable periods in NEoWave history.
This is an IDEAL TIME to learn Elliott Wave theory and advanced NEoWave concepts! Take advantage of these opportunities to learn or improve your Wave analysis:
These classes use daily, weekly, and monthly cash charts on the S&P 500, Gold, T-Notes, and Euro currency. Watch LIVE as Mr. Neely applies the concepts outlined in his classic book, Mastering Elliott Wave, to current price charts. Learn how to create your OWN specific, accurate price/time forecasts! Nowhere else on earth will you receive this hands-on, real-time Wave analysis training.
LEARN MORENEoWave concepts introduce logic to orthodox Elliott Wave, elevating it to a more scientific level. By following Glenn Neely's charts on four major markets, you will learn how to apply advanced NEoWave concepts to orthodox Elliott Wave on your own real-time price charts. With this educational service, you will experience the application of NEoWave to short-term, intermediate-term, and long-term charts for the S&P, Gold, T-Notes or Euro.