NEoWave Blog
11/6/2020 - NEoWave Staff
See what NEoWave customers have to say ...
Throughout the year, NEoWave customers take time to show their appreciation. Here are some of our newly received testimonials. Please forgive us for blowing our own horn!
NEoWave Trading service
Click to learn more and subscribe (only $30/month)
“Glenn, thank you for all these years of excellent analytical work!
Current markets are providing some spectacular trading opportunities for those who successfully negotiate with a clear mind, and with NEoWave for a roadmap.”
– Mark Andrews,
United States
“Mr. Neely, your trading call in late March 2020 was right on the money. This was one of the best calls I have seen in my market experience of 20 years. When the rest of the world was frozen and in a state of total panic, you gave that bold call. Sheer genius.”
– Nithin Pai,
“Glenn, your service is fantastic and,
given the volatile nature of the markets, your voice is a beacon in the storm.”
- S&P 500 Trader,
United States
“I just wanted to say thank you again for all you have done to help me improve my trading – as well as tell you that my referral is really enjoying your trading course. I will continue to refer other investors whenever possible.”
– James W. Vassas Jr., Financial Planner,
United States
NEoWave Forecasting service
Click to learn more and subscribe (only $21/month)
“Having written two books, I continually seek to obtain greater edges in my investing and in my life. Andres J. Erickson wisely said, ‘It takes 10,000 hours of deliberate practice to become an expert.’ Glenn Neely has accumulated well over 100,000 hours of deliberate practice.
His NEoWave forecasts provide me more added value than anybody else worldwide. Equally important, Glenn has more integrity than anyone else I have had dealings with in the investment community in over thirty years. I am eagerly waiting to attend the next trading course Glenn conducts to receive even more added value.”
– Bruce S. Davis,
"Thank you for providing a high-quality Elliott Wave analysis service for your subscribers.
Your concise recommendations cut through the noise. That is a big help to anyone who trades for a living."
– Joshua Baer,
United States
"You have a track record that's hard to beat. And I've known you for 21 years."
– Michael Finberg,
United States
NEoWave's Advanced Wave Analysis Course
Learn advanced Elliott Wave in REAL-TIME, personally taught by Glenn Neely
Click to learn more and register for the next course
“Glenn, I enjoyed your Advanced Elliott Wave Analysis course. I like your idea of applying reverse logic and eliminating possible counts when they break the different rules you have discovered.
Your current call for an expansive environment due to the violent sell-off coming up short is a case in point. These are crazy times. You were right that an expansive environment will be treacherous to trade.”
– Terrence Ryan
“Glenn, you have given me the missing link. Knowing about the ‘fastest biggest move and diametric’ has solved so many open-ended Elliott Wave structures for me.
I haven’t lost a trade since I started your Advanced Wave Analysis course. Thanks for a great course! I am really hooked on chart analysis; I have looked at charts since I was about 4 years old when I started sailing around the world with my father. I am very happy to finally find a way to utilize Elliott Wave in a way that I can see when a structure starts and ends. Also, your rule that ‘fastest wave structure is either a start or an end' is brilliant.”
– Kjetil B. Solberg,
NEoWave's Professional Trading Course (Neely River Theory)
Learn to be a BETTER trader, personally taught by Glenn Neely
Click to learn more and register for the next course
“Neely River Theory has given me a whole new perspective to go about trading.
It has really helped me to manage positions and manage risk, which had been an altogether tumultuous experience based on emotions.”
– Abhijeet Durge
“Glenn, I have spent so much time and money on the ‘best trading and techniques’ through so many places it was hard to figure out if you truly were different or just another company that wanted my money. Plus, I was not sure I was going to be able to stick with your approach. However, I would like to thank you. I have not been around many people in this industry who truly care about the people they instruct.
Neely River Theory has had a huge impact on my portfolio’s performance. I am now managing money with a confidence I never had before.”
– James Vassas, Financial Planner,
United States
“Mr. Neely, it’s such an honor to participate in your class. I’m excited that I’m having this session with a such a capable and resourceful maestro. I analyzed nearly all analytical methods before finally reaching NEoWave. I have been working with NEoWave for 4 years now, and I have read your book hundreds of times. I believe in your ingenuity, and I’m sure this Neely River Trading course will be fruitful. Thank you sincerely for the work you’ve done.”
– Farhad Godini
“I really enjoyed your first Neely River Theory class tonight. I am excited to continue learning from you.
Everything you’ve said so far makes perfect sense to me!”
– Dr. Dan A.,
United States
“Glenn, thank you very much for your Neely River Theory course. It was a real eye-opener for me. I can hardly wait to practice your technique to see where this will get me.
Your course was a very big step in my trading learning curve.”
– Cedric Wiese,
Mastering Elliott Wave 12-week video course
Learn advanced Elliott Wave! Purchase this recorded course, personally presented by Glenn Neely, for only $59!
START HERE: Click to get the "Chapter 1" video free!
“I am attending the Mastering Elliott Wave course, and I have to say that the sessions are of outstanding clarity and quality in terms of the content. The classes hugely simplify concepts, without losing any of the substance while making the book highly accessible. Glenn Neely has delivered on his promise and at terrific value. His guidance has helped me enormously.”
– Dr. Samuel A. Beatson,
United Kingdom
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