NEoWave Blog
8/3/2020 - NEoWave Staff

TRADING NEWS: 83% of NEoWave trades are In-the-Money (as of July 28, 2020)

July 28, 2020
From the desk of Magelan Ferreira, NEoWave Sales and Customer Support Manager:

While economies around the world are struggling (and wild market gyrations are confusing everyone), this year's "COVID Crash" actually solidified long-term NEoWave structure. That has produced THE BEST trading environment that Glenn Neely has seen in more than a decade.

This has produced amazing trading results!
On July 15, 2020, subscribers to NEoWave's Trading service had 100% of the positions In-the-Money! On July 23, 92% of our trades were In-the-Money. Today (July 28), 83% of our trades are In-the-Money. For proof, view the 3 charts below.

On July 28, 10 of our 12 positions are making money, with a 14-to-1 profit-to-loss ratio!
I took a screen capture of our real-world Customer account in Tradesation, which shows 10 of our 12 positions are making money (note the green color in the screen capture, below). We've spent $18,873 on all 12 positions and our open trade profit is $2,023.50. Our 2 losing positions are only down a total of $144. That is a 14-to-1 profit-to-loss ratio! This confirms Mr. Neely was not joking when he recently said "market predictability would dramatically increase following this year's COVID Crash."

NEoWave Trading Results

NEoWave Trading Positions

How to get amazing trading results: 

Click HERE for NEoWave's $39 two-week Trial Subscription
Click HERE to subscribe to NEoWave's Trading service

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