Book a Forecasting Consultation with Glenn Neely

  • In a bad trade and don't know what to do?
  • Struggling with Wave counts?
  • Have an unusual investment circumstance and need an expert's advice?

Get expert advice on your unique situation

This is your opportunity to book a consultation with Mr. Neely to address your unique trading and forecasting situation. At specific times each week, Glenn Neely is available to answer questions, provide guidance, and offer individualized advice. Mr. Neely's experience and knowledge is invaluable. Schedule a consult to advance your understanding of markets and hone your trading and forecasting skills.

  • Cost is $20/minute, with a 10-minute minimum ($200 minimum charge).
    Your credit card will be charged after the call.
  • To schedule a consultation, please click on the "Request a Consultation" button below and fill out the Contact form. Our Sales Manager, Magelan Ferreira, will respond to your request to arrange a consult with Mr. Neely.

"Thank you for your patience and help. You are one of the rare individuals who truly take pride in all that you do. The knowledge I have gained I could not have received anywhere else for any price."
- Jeff

"Some people approach the market with a focus on how much money they think they will make, and I used to. But when I heard Glenn's focus on seeking to limit any loss to the absolute minimum, something twigged within me that this was pure wisdom from someone with vast experience. Since that moment, my focus has been to reduce my risk while optimizing my entry technique. Glenn's complete grasp of the aspects that matter in taking a trade astonish me. What's more, his Neely River Trading product is the actual expression of such complete understanding."
- Alistair Mills

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