March 11, 2009 - NEoWave Institute is celebrating 25 years in the futures business with a 25 percent discount on Glenn Neely's groundbreaking book. First released in 1988, "Mastering Elliott Wave" changed Wave theory forever by presenting the first and only scientific, step-by-step approach to Wave analysis. Still highly relevant, current, and accurate, Neely's objective NEoWave technology provides a precise assessment of market structure and potential.
Featured in the Book is Glenn Neely's Astounding 72-Year Market Forecast:
In 1988, Glenn Neely mapped out and published an unprecedented 72-year stock market forecast to the year 2060. His forecast declared: "... the minimum target of over 100,000 basis for the Dow ... should be achieved no later than 2060." In 1988, the Dow Jones Industrial Average hovered at 1900. Over the next two decades, the Dow increased more than seven-fold. While today's bearish stock market is stumbling, Glenn Neely is confident the market will regain its footing and continue its path to reach 100,000 basis by 2060.
It's important to note Glenn Neely's 1988 long-term stock market forecast offers no alternate wave counts or backup bearish scenarios. Neely's 72-year forecast presents only one scenario, which has been on track for 20 years - an extraordinary feat, especially given that orthodox Elliott Wave analysts have altered their forecasts repeatedly throughout the last 20 years. This is the only long-term Wave forecast that remains accurate today, which proves Glenn Neely's NEoWave technology is superior to orthodox Elliott Wave.
Click here to order "Mastering Elliott Wave" by Glenn Neely and receive a 25 percent discount. Offer expires March 31, 2009.
More about NEoWave Institute's 25th Anniversary:
Twenty-five years in business is an extraordinary accomplishment for any company, especially one in the futures business. For 25 years, Glenn Neely, founder of NEoWave Institute, has provided NEoWave market analysis, forecasts and alerts to thousands of investors and traders around the world to earn more and protect their investments from volatile markets. Neely, the internationally recognized Elliott Wave expert who can legitimately boast the most accurate forecasting track record, founded the Elliott Wave Institute in 1983. In 2000, Neely changed the name of his research and advisory firm to NEoWave Institute to differentiate his scientific Wave analysis technology from orthodox, subjective Elliott Wave analysis, which is frequently nebulous, inaccurate, and constantly fluid.