Question of the Week: 12/30/2009

In a NEoWave Diametric, what would be the maximum Time deviation between adjacent waves?


In a NEoWave Diametric, the general rule is most wave segments tend toward equality in time, but are different in price. For time similarity to be most obvious, the complexity of the Diametric should not exceed 55 monowaves. If it does, best to move to one higher time frame (i.e., one which is 5 times larger than the chart you are currently looking at - for example, if the Diametric is visible on a Daily chart, but contains more than 55 monowaves, move to a Weekly chart and reassess the Diametric on that time frame).

If the entire Diametric is less than 56 monowaves, then the time variation between each leg of the Diametric will usually be less than 1.618% of the time of an adjacent wave but more than 61.8% of the time of an adjacent wave. Keep in mind, there is usually one exception to this rule in each Diametric where one segment is more than 161.8% (or less than 61.8%) of the time of an adjacent wave.

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