Question of the Week: 9/13/2006

We all know how to calculate the "thrust" following a Contracting Triangle, but how does one calculate the "thrust" following Expanding and Neutral Triangles.


Sanjay Vidyalankar of New Delhi India asked this question back in mid August. I've expanded the question to cover all bases.

Contracting Triangles produce the most dramatic, post-pattern behavior with a "thrust" nearly equal to the widest leg, which in a contraction must be wave-a or b. NEoWave Neutral Triangles (where wave-c is the longest wave) exhibit post-pattern "thrusts" that are about 75% of the width of the largest wave (usually wave-c, but could be b or d). Expanding Triangles have the smallest post-pattern "thrusts," which are usually about 50% of the longest leg (usually wave-e, but could sometimes be wave-d in unusual situations).

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