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Question of the Week: 8/14/2006
When you set stops/targets, are you using electronic or U.S. pit sessions?
This week I decided to address a question on trading tactics, which was sent in by long-term customer Dennis Lithgow of Arizona. It is an important question for those interested in trading futures markets. In my book, Mastering Elliott Wave, I warned of the dangers of plotting cash prices 24-hours-a-day. The reasoning then (1989), based on observation and fact, was that each country had their own version of a particular market. For example, a Gold futures contract in the U.S. was not the same as a Gold Futures contract in London. In addition, when something new happened say in a U.S. market, you would frequently witness that same behavior when Japan opened and again when London opened (this still happens among the stock exchanges of the world). As a result, plotting cash prices around the clock created choppy looking wave structure that was difficult to decipher and did not appear to obey the rules.
Now, 16+ years later, with the advent of single-contract markets (such as the E-Mini S&P), which are traded nearly 24-hours-a-day, plus the advent of personal, real-time trading platforms (that allow anyone to trade, any time day or night), 24-hour-plots no longer experience the repetitive behavior of the past and therefore produce valid wave structure. Therefore, when possible (unless you are trading a market that only trades during a particular time zone), I recommend using electronic, 24-hour contracts for all wave counts, stop placement and price targets.
At specific times each week, Glenn Neely is available to answer questions, provide guidance, and offer individualized advice. This is an opportunity to speak directly with Mr. Neely to address your unique situation, advance your understanding of markets, and hone your trading and forecasting skills.
Cost is $20/minute, with a 10-minute minimum ($200 minimum charge). Your credit card will be charged after the call.
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