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Question of the Week: 10/25/2022
What is the NeoWave Reverse Logic?
Whenever a market has multiple wave count scenarios, which follow all the rules, it tells you something important about that situation. Multiple good Wave counts only exist when a market is near the MIDDLE of a larger pattern. Human impatience makes us want to pick the count that ends the soonest with the most exciting outcome. Unfortunately, the "Rule of Reverse Logic" tells us to do the opposite (the counter-intuitive "reverse" thing) - pick the count closest to the center of its development, which will be the count that takes the longest to end and produces the least exciting, near-term price movement.
At specific times each week, Glenn Neely is available to answer questions, provide guidance, and offer individualized advice. This is an opportunity to speak directly with Mr. Neely to address your unique situation, advance your understanding of markets, and hone your trading and forecasting skills.
Cost is $20/minute, with a 10-minute minimum ($200 minimum charge). Your credit card will be charged after the call.
To schedule a consultation, please click on the "Request a Consultation" button below and fill out the Contact form. Our Sales Manager, Magelan Ferreira, will respond to your request to arrange a consult with Mr. Neely.