Question of the Week: 8/29/2007

Sometimes b-waves are larger than a-waves, sometimes they are the same size and sometimes they are smaller than a-waves. Does it mean anything?


Under NEoWave, in any Flat or Zigzag, the size of wave-b provides crucial information regarding the size of the future trend.

In Flats, the larger wave-b, the larger the post-Flat trend; the smaller wave-b, the smaller the post-Flat trend. If wave-b of a Flat is larger than wave-a, the post-Flat trend will be at least equal to the pre-Flat trend and frequently 161.8% or more.

In Zigzags, the closer wave-b is to 61.8% of wave-a, the greater the chances wave-c will be smaller than wave-a. The smaller wave-b is in a Zigzag, the greater the chances wave-c will be 161.8% of wave-a.

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