NEoWave News
July 09, 2009
News: Glenn Neely And NEoWave Institute Launch Neely Investment LLC
July 8, 2009 - Glenn Neely and NEoWave Institute have formed Neely Investments LLC to manage and direct private funds globally.
A prominent Elliott Wave analyst, Neely was recognized in Timer Digest's May 2009 issue as the #1 stock market timer for the past 12 months.
Based in New York, Neely Investments is the world's first and only portfolio management firm based on core NEoWave disciplines. Glenn Neely is the founder and architect of the NEoWave method of trading and market forecasting. Over the years, he has received a significant number of inquiries from investors interested in NEoWave-based investment management. The creation of Neely Investments is the culmination of his 25-year career of successful forecasting and trading advisory services.
Neely Investments has partnered with a registered investment advisor and broker dealer to offer an investment fund. To receive information on NEoWave-based private investment funds, contact NEoWave Customer Service.
About Glenn Neely and NEoWave Institute
Glenn Neely, who is internationally regarded as a premier Elliott Wave analyst, founded the Elliott Wave Institute in 1983. In 1990, Neely published his advanced Wave analysis process in his now-classic book, Mastering Elliott Wave. In 2000, Neely changed the name of his research and advisory firm to NEoWave Institute to differentiate his scientific Wave analysis technology from orthodox, subjective Elliott Wave analysis, which is frequently nebulous, inaccurate, and constantly fluid.
What is Elliott Wave? In the early 1930s, Ralph Nelson Elliott presented his theory of market behavior, which quantifies each stage of an economic cycle into specific patterns of mass psychology. Glenn Neely has devoted more than 25 years to mastering and advancing the concepts of Wave theory. Neely refined Elliott Wave theory to make it objective, practical, and consistently accurate, producing his now-famous NEoWave technology. Orthodox Elliott Wave, devoid of such technology and rules, typically leaves the analyst with ambiguous interpretations, seriously flawed results, and dual-directional forecasts.
Today, decades after R.N. Elliott penned his original theory, countless investors and traders trust Neely's revolutionary, step-by-step NEoWave approach to market analysis. Learn more about Glenn Neely and NEoWave Institute at