Neely River Trading Technology:
A new paradigm for understanding and trading (not forecasting) markets

FREE 1-hour video class by Glenn Neely, NEoWave Trading Advisor

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Truly eye-opening! Gain insight into a new, proven trading paradigm.

In this video recording of a class in Glenn Neely's Professional Trading Course, he shows real-world charts and presents foundational concepts for his revolutionary – and proven – trading approach. He explains that Neely River is a complete departure from typical trading approaches, which are based on this incorrect assumption: The prediction process is a prerequisite for profitable trading.

"I believed that for 25 years," Glenn Neely says. "However, as my forecasting abilities significantly increased (almost exponentially), my trading results only increased incrementally."

He questioned himself: "What's the problem? How can I approach trading in a way that creates significantly better trading results?"

Based on years of testing, analysis, and insights that led to profitable trading, the resulting approach is a true paradigm shift for trading: Neely River Trading technology.

In this 1-hour video class, you will learn:

  1. An approach to trading that doesn't rely on forecasting and is based on logic, not emotions.
  2. Why markets are like rivers.
  3. How the 3 zones of a river are similar to the 3 market zones: directional price action in the center with turbulent action at the top and bottom (illustrated in real-world charts).
  4. The challenges of using a Forecasting Paradigm to trade the markets.
  5. The benefits of using a proven Trading Paradigm to manage your risks, ensure a successful trading campaign, and let profits run.
  6. Why it's important to determine who is controlling the market as well as the actual, current trading environment.
  7. How to draw motion lines on real-world charts to plot recent market behavior and accurately identify the current trend line.